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My blog has now been added to my website at http://www.luxfiatperformingarts.com find out what going on by checking out the website.


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I didn’t realize how difficult it was to write an adaptation of a play from a book, vs. writing a play simply from what my mind conjured up. I’m so honored and blessed that our paths crossed, that the Lord wanted us to meet and that she is allowing me to turn her story into a play. Knowing what I know about writing, I needed the right atmosphere and space; allowing the creative juices to flow. I asked my husband if he could move our small desk from our guest room into our bedroom. He, being very practical said, “We have a perfectly good and usable desk downstairs that you can set the laptop on and write.” Well, being who I am said, “But honey, it doesn’t have they same view our bedroom offers.” With a hint of naive persnickety, he replied, “Won’t that be more distracting.”

freelance-writing-jobsWith my desk situated in my room, candles in place,book, pencil, highlighter and paper laid out, I figured I was ready to dive in. Not so much. 😦 I thought I was prepared. You know, comfortable setting, nice view, read the book, been meeting with the author, so what’s the problem. The lovely nemesis of writers block. How perfect our Lord is though. In reading my devotion today I’m overwhelmed at how well HE knows me and gives me exactly what I need. ” Go gently though this day, keeping your eyes on Me. I will open up the way before you, as you take steps of trust along your path. Sometimes they way before you appears to be blocked. If you focus on the obstacle or search for a way around it, you will probably go off course. Instead, focus on Me, the Shepherd who is leading you along your life-journey. Before you know it, the “obstacle” will be behind you and you will hardly know how you passed through it.” Wow! Need I say more.



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I did it, I signed the contract. I feel I can officially say I’m a writer and director now. After I started making that statement to several people that asked how everything went, I started thinking about identity and why I felt I had to attach a title to myself. I realized though, I don’t want my identity; that which I am, to be that which I do. So who am I? I’m passionate, and feel deeply and everything. I’m ambitions and tenacious. I’m introverted and guarded, intuitive and discerning. I’m inquisitive, analytic, and a philosophical, optimistic dreamer. I am a child of God, daughter, mother, and wife. When asked


what I did for a living I would answer, with this undertone of sadness, “I’m a home maker/mom.” That’s crazy, I’m not sad for being a mom, I love that I’m a mom, it’s not what I do though, it’s who I am. Doing the laundry, making lunches and dinner, cleaning the house, helping with homework are the physical acts of doing something, but that doesn’t make me who I am. I think the reason I was feeling unsettled, was because I’m passionate, ambitious and a child of God and with who I am created these desires to do more than just housework. I desired to write and direct plays and now I can officially say, “I write and direct for a living!” I believe God wants us to identify with the Characteristics of Jesus Christ and allow those same characteristics to form in our lives creating who we are. I also believe that who we are many times transcends into what we do, but I believe we need to remember that the physical things we do don’t define who we are.

An Adventurous Journey

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DSC_0527We meet again…I really need to stop neglecting you like this. I’ve been reading a lot of blogs lately from people doing pretty adventurous things, traveling the world, getting married, having children, moving to exotic places…finding the cure to the common cold, you know adventurous things. I spent the weekend with my two favorite men, my son and husband exploring the rough terrain (it was in my head) of a dinosaur corn maze. Sounds pretty adventurous, right? I loved the excitement that my son had as we entered the maze; which way to go, right or left; the 3.1 mile walk determined to find all checkpoints, and to walk away with a gummy dinosaur. I guess adventure is really determined by the one living it out. As I look to the future, focusing on what adventures await me, I can’t help but reflect on my adventures as a mom, church volunteer, community theater volunteer and wife. No I haven’t physically traveled the world, or left the United States, but I’ve discovered new territories while quizzing my son in Geography. If you’re a parent of a 2 or 3 year old that’s adventure right there, ( oh how I remember those days). There’s a certain kind of adventure lurking around the corner working with teenagers, that’s every Thursday or youth group outing for me. Thursdays before group, grinding my teeth waiting to see what game my husband has come up with, re-defines adventure. It’s sort of a mystery what kind of adventure you’re going to walk into when directing a play and facing the final dress rehearsal.

Pressing on toward my dreams, dreams that I have kept in my pocket far too long, I feel like I’m about to leap off a cliff into a sea of uncertainty. I love my heavenly father, He will never lead me astray and I know He always has my back, but not being able to see all the details of what you’re about to jump into can be paralyzing sometimes. Being a Christian is one adventurous ride!clare coastal cliffs

I know he will light my path, just enough to see what’s a few feet in front of me, but it’s still scary nonetheless. The Lord showed me almost a year ago a new adventure He was about to take me on; He lit up the path so to speak. I met this lady who wrote and published a book and had a desire to turn it into a play. I wont bore you with the details, but the “how” we met has the Lord written all over it; it’s unmistakable. Now about to sign the contract and start writing has me sitting here ready to take the plunge. Feeling the Lord tell me, “Robin one step at a time”, makes me snicker as my mind races with anticipation of directing my first professional play, that I wrote! Thoughts of the adventurous nights of practices, opening night and taking it on the road to other states overwhelm me with joy; yet I hear the Lord again saying, “Slow down, don’t get ahead of yourself.” I’ve prayed often about my dream, wondering if it will ever become a reality and yet here it is. I hear the Lord say, “grab onto my hand as I take you on this adventurous journey.”

In my devotion today it said, “The promise of My Presence is a powerful protection. If you take your eyes off Me and follow another’s way, you are in grave danger. Even well-meaning friends can lead you astray if you let them usurp My place in your life. The way to stay on the path of Life is to keep your focus on Me. Awareness of My Presence is your best protection.” Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 12:1-2

Thank you Lord that you want to use my gifts and talents in this way.

Now You See Me, Now You Don’t: Scene 2

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I forgot how the editing processing can be grueling and requires time. I wanted to have scene two posted sooner, but as I mentioned it requires time to revise.

In this scene, Jordan reveals to his two best friends, Clinton and Raeann why he has come back home. Jordan wants to write his Dissertation on the supernatural, and interview former classmates on unexplained phenomena they may have experienced. Clinton and Raeann being skeptical themselves, believes Jordan is just reaching out for a reason to hang on to his diseased parents.

Once again, if you enjoyed this scene please comment and share. I would love to hear from you.

Scene 2

Jordan, Clinton and Raeann are sitting around the table reminiscing about old times. Raeann is in the kitchen making coffee and breakfast.

JORDAN enters.

RAEANN & CLINTON:          Good morning!

RAEANN:                             Would you like some coffee?

JORDAN:                             Yes please. Thank you.

CLINTON:                            How did you sleep? I heard sounds coming from your room, sounded like you were thrashing around and talking to someone.

JORDAN:                               It’s possible I was talking in my sleep. I noticed my bed was a little sordid when I woke up, but I felt like I slept like a baby. I don’t know what to tell you, but thank you both again for letting me stay with you.

RAEANN:                             No problem, Jordan, anytime.

CLINTON:                            Well, then, since you had a good night’s rest, and you are settled in, no point in prolonging the topic. Why are you here?

RAEANN:                             Clinton, don’t be rude. He doesn’t have to tell us if he doesn’t want to. I’m sure I don’t need to remind you Jordan that we have been friends since 6th grade and we’re letting you stay here, free of charge, and…

JORDAN:                               Okay, okay, you two don’t give up do you? I do owe you for taking me in, and for not making it to the wedding. So, let me take you out tonight to our favorite hang out place; Ricky’s Bar and Grill.

CLINTON:                            Oh no you don’t, I see what you’re doing. You’re trying to bribe us so you won’t have to tell us the real reason why you are here.

RAEANN:                             Speak for yourself. I love that place, I miss the times when the three of us would just hang out there.

JORDAN:                               (Giving a sheepish grin) Alright, I give up, I’ll tell you. I know you both were worried about me going over to the cemetery last night. It was written all over your faces. I came back to work on my Dissertation.

RAEANN:                             Well that’s great Jordan! You know you have our support right, so why the big secret?

CLINTON:                            Of course we will, but why now and what are you writing about that would bring you back here?

JORDAN:                             Yes, of course I know you two will be here to support me, but I also know, you both will worry yourselves sick if you knew part of my inspiration for my paper has to deal with my parents.

CLINTON:                            So what is your dissertation going to be on? Your parents’ death?

RAEANN:                             Clinton!

CLINTON:                            Sorry, that was out of line.

JORDAN:                              It’s okay. You are sort of right. I want to solve the mysteries behind some strange occurrences that keep happening.

Clinton and Raeann look at each other and laugh.

CLINTON:                            Dude that’s lame. What are you Sherlock or something?

RAEANN:                             Jordan, you really aren’t doing your Dissertation on unsolved mysteries…are you?

JORDAN:                             Well not exactly.

CLINTON:                            Not exactly? Now you’re scaring me.

JORDAN:                             You both have to promise me you won’t think I’m crazy, and don’t tell me I need to have my head examined.

RAEANN:                             Just tell us what’s going on.

JORDAN:                             I’m writing my paper on the supernatural. (Awkward pause as Clinton and Raeann give Jordan a blank stare) Okay, guys please don’t just stare at me, say something.

CLINTON:                            What do you want me to say? You already told me what you didn’t want me to say.

RAEANN:                             Jordan, we’re just trying to understand. Are you sure you’re not just trying to hold onto your parents? When it comes to life after death, what happens to us when we die are all common questions. If you’re trying to hold onto them, that’s completely natural, but to consider writing your paper about ghosts, really Jordan?

JORDAN:                               I’m not writing about ghosts. But I’m a journalist or at least I’m trying to be and I’d really like to try and uncover the truth about why the three of us experience unexplained phenomena. Why things go missing from my apartment, or why doors open on their own? The list goes on, and I know there are many people who have had things happen beyond their comprehension. I know there are people who share similar experiences, but are afraid to share them because of what others may think.

CLINTON:                            What are you talking about? Everything you’re talking about can be explained, it all has a rational explanation.

JORDAN:                             Clint, you’re talking as if you haven’t experienced some of the same stuff with me.

CLINTON:                            Oh come on Jordan, you can’t take anything we experienced as children as reality. We were young with impressionable minds. It’s crazy how your mind can play tricks on you when you are young and scared.

RAEANN:                             Jordan, does this have to do with what happened in the hospital that night? Don’t get me wrong, it was a little strange that we all had similar experiences, but to claim it as more than a coincidence is silly. Your parents had just died and not an expected one. All of our emotions were high, and I know the chemicals in our brain can cause us to see, believe and even wish something badly enough that we can sense a presence.

JORDAN:                               Yes, I want to figure out what happened that night, but it’s so much more. Clint, please tell me you remember the time we thought we heard little footsteps running across the floor when you and I were the only ones in the house?

CLINTON:                            I don’t remember that, but what kid doesn’t like to get their adrenaline pumping a little. Isn’t that the reason why we go on roller coasters, or play those ridiculous scary games? How about those nights we would stay up late watching scary movies and then swear we heard or saw something before we pass out. It’s the “high” from the scare.

JORDAN:                               So you are telling me that we both heard the exact same thing and we both said it sounded like little feet running through the hall? So that was just a coincidence? I know you both are just being good friends and looking out for me, but I didn’t choose this topic for my paper off a whim. A journalist is inquisitive, skeptical, determined and motivated, all qualities that make me, me. These are the same qualities that you love about me. I know this may not make sense to you right now, but that’s my job to take something that is nonsensical and make of it. If all my hunches and rabbit trails, are just that, then I will back out of this and find a new topic.

RAEANN:                             Clinton and I will be here to support you and we both, will try and keep an open mind. Right Clinton?

CLINTON:                            Sure sweetheart, of course man, like she said…we are here for you.

JORDAN:                             Well if you really want to help, you wouldn’t happen to have any of your high school yearbooks on hand would you?

RAEANN:                             I’m sure I can find the box they’re in, in the garage. What do you need old yearbooks for?

JORDAN:                             There are a couple of people I’d like to interview. I remember hearing some stories from some of our classmates. Since I’m here it would be nice to catch up with some old acquaintances.

CLINTON:                            Speaking of old acquaintances, do you remember that crazy girl, oh what’s her name, she was into all that weird stuff…she had long hair, sort of kept to herself?

RAEANN:                             Mavis, Mavis Dellinger. I don’t think it’s very nice though to call her crazy. Yes, she was a little different from the rest of us and I personally thought her thinking was a little radical, but that doesn’t mean you should call her crazy.

CLINTON:                            You’re right, I shouldn’t call her crazy. She sort of gave me the chills though. Wasn’t she into all that voodoo, turning-people-into-rodents’ kind of thing?

JORDAN:                             I don’t know man, the only thing I remember about her is that night I went into her tent at after-prom. Besides, what does that have to do with the supernatural?

CLINTON:                            I don’t know, it’s just that maybe you two have something in common. And wait…what…you went into her tent, at after- prom. Where was I?

JORDAN:                             So because I want to explore the supernatural you are putting me in the same category as her, and need I remind you what you were doing…or whom you were with?

CLINTON:                            What? Oh…yeah, I remember…Sophie.

RAEANN:                             I’d rather not remember Sophie.

CLINTON:                            Sweetheart, that was in high school. I love you and I married you.

RAEANN:                             Oh I’m not jealous of her; she just rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t think she liked me very well either. Okay, can we get back to the point, boys?

JORDAN:                             Right, well she was working the fortuneteller’s booth. Get your head out of the gutter Clint; I thought you knew me better than that. Just for kicks I thought I would go in and see if she could really tell my fortune, not hook up with her. Honestly, I didn’t think I believed in that stuff, but after what she told me I haven’t been able to let it go.

RAEANN:                             What did she tell you?

JORDAN:                             She first asked if there was something I was seeking an answer for. She specifically told me not to tell her any details regarding what I was seeking an answer for, just to answer the question with a “yes” or “no.” She then shuffled the tarot cards, and when she turned the first card over it was the hanged man card. She told me that I was at a cross roads in my life and that I needed to make a decision, and based on that decision would lead to very different outcomes.

CLINTON:                            That is so general man, how could that have left an impression on you.

JORDAN:                             Because, I was at an impasse. I didn’t know which college I wanted to go to. The “big” deal was, no one knew I was struggling with which college I should go to. You all assumed I would stay in North Kingstown and write for our local paper. What would you guys have done if I told you I was thinking about going to school on the west coast and get my degree in criminal investigation? I know you two; you would have never let me go anywhere close to the west coast. It made an impression because no one knew I had applied to San Jose University in California and received a partial scholarship when I also received the same offer to Boston Massachusetts. I was at an impasse, and she was the only one who knew about it.

RAEANN:                             Wow, Jordan, I had no idea. I’m glad you decided to go to BWU. Journalism suits you, but you should have told us. We would have been here for you in the decision making process. Of course we wouldn’t have wanted you to leave but we are friends.

CLINTON:                            Dude, that’s messed up man. We’re supposed to be best friends, how could you leave me out of the loop.

Clinton exits.

RAEANN:                             Just let him go. He needs to cool off. You know Clinton, he’s sort of thick headed and…

JORDAN                                … And he has a short fuse…I know.

RAEANN:                             He just missed you, that’s all. He’ll be okay after he walks it off.

JORDAN:                             Thanks Raeann, you were always the level headed one. Hey, you wouldn’t happen to know if Mavis still lives here.

RAEANN:                             As a matter of fact, she owns an occult shop downtown. Why, are you thinking of talking to her?

JORDAN:                             Yeah, I think I would just like to ask her why she chose this path.

RAEANN:                             Just be careful please. I have heard some not so nice stories involving her and the things she believes in.

JORDAN:                             Of course Raeann.


Job Well Done

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“I am pleased with you, my child. Allow yourself to become fully aware of my pleasure shining upon you. You don’t have to perform well in order to receive My love. In fact, a performance focus will pull you away from Me, toward some sort of Pharisaism. This can be a subtle form of idolatry: worshiping your own good works. It can also be a source of deep discouragement when your works don’t measure up to your expectation.”

Ephesians 2:8-9; 3:16-19, Psalm 62;8


What a beautiful reminder, especially for me working in the arts. How difficult it is to stay humble, especially when, memorizing lines, working on choreography, writing scripts…all requires what seems like perfection. How does one maintain balance in this industry or shall I say ministry? I know I must shift my focus from my performance, to God’s radiant presence. I was working with someone who I think lost sight of this.Their desire was to just give it their all… I think there is a fine line that is crossed when Christ followers go from saying I just want to give my best, to  worshiping our own good works. It’s so easy to be soaring on a cloud when given praise for something done well, where do you turn the focus? We need to remember that the light of our heavenly father’s love shines on us regardless of our feelings, behaviors and performances. I believe exercising the disciplines of putting all our thankfulness and trust in Him at all times, will keep one free from possibly crossing that line. “Thankfulness and trust are your primary receptors.”

Now You See Me, Now You Don’t: Scene 1

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I thought I would post another play I’m working on. It’s a play tackling the unknown areas of supernatural world. I believe as a Christian this is a hard topic to write about let alone talk about. I believe there are a lot of “gray” areas regarding the “supernatural world. I do not wish to glorify anything other than God, but to possibly shed some light on this topic and show that there is a realm we don’t see or comprehend but it is real, to what extent, well that’s the real question. 

As always if you enjoyed what you read, please follow me, give constructive feedback and share.


Scene 1

JORDAN is on his way to his hometown in North Kingstown, Rhode Island. North Kingstown is a small suburbia town, with most of the native residences still living there. He is traveling there to complete his Dissertation on the supernatural. His two best friends, CLINTON and RAEANN are concerned about JORDAN and his reasons for returning to Rhode Island. JORDAN interviews some of the residences, in hopes to gain a clear understanding on this topic.

JORDAN addresses the audience.

Jordan:                                   I guess you can say I’m a skeptic. Does God exist, is he real? If God is real, then are angelic creatures real? If angelic creatures are real, then demons and Satan must be. I decided to do my Dissertation on the supernatural world. Before you start thinking this guy has lost his marbles, stick with me. I know many of us have heard stories of paranormal activities, ghost stories. But what is the truth behind these stories? Can I prove them to be true? As a young child, I was on a path of discovery. My best friend, Clinton and I, would go out on these adventures through our neighborhood, in search of unsolved mysteries; trying to find some gem hidden behind our suburbia life. I’m a journalist; well I hope to be when I graduate grade school. I want to report the truth. Not my version of the truth, but the actual truth. So, I hope you will sit back, have an open mind and heart as I try and discover the truth behind these gray areas.

JORDAN is walking from the train station.

CLINTON:                            Jordan! Hey brother! (Giving the typical one-arm, chest bump, hug greeting)How long has it been? How were your travels?

JORDAN:                               It’s nice to see you Clint. It’s been too long. The trip wasn’t too bad except for the melodies of snores that surrounded me. I’m just glad to have my feet placed back on solid ground.

CLINTON:                            It’s good to have you back bro, but you weren’t real clear if this was just a social visit, hey let’s catch up on old time’s kind of thing, or something else? I just need to let the wife know how long to prepare the guest room for… is it…

JORDAN:                              (Interrupting Clinton)…Would it be putting you two out if I left it as an open ended thing? I’m actually not sure how long this is going to take.

CLINTON:                            Of course, I should check with Raeann first, but I don’t think she would have a problem with it. So when are you going to tell me what “this” is? When can I make an honest man of you and get you to settle down?

JORDAN:                               Man, we have so much to talk about don’t we? Listen, I just want to apologize for not making it to your wedding. With all the stuff with school and the column I was writing, I didn’t see how I could make it out here. I wish there was a way to make it up to you.

CLINTON:                            Yeah, I see how it is; I see where your priorities lie. I’m just kidding man, seriously, don’t stress about it, it’s okay. It was a small wedding anyhow. We didn’t see the point in spending a lot of money on the ceremony or reception. We decided to save the majority of the expenses for the honey moon. Speaking of…

RAEANN enters

JORDAN:                              Hi Raeann, (kissing her on the cheek) you look lovely as always, Clint’s better half. (Handing Raeann a basket of goodies)

RAEANN:                             It’s always nice to have your face back in this neck of the woods. So how long do we get to have your presence with us?

CLINTON:                            Sweetheart, I was going to talk about that with you in the morning, I think we should let Jordan get settled in tonight.

JORDAN:                              Sorry, I didn’t clarify this with the both of you earlier. I really don’t want to impose, but I was hoping it could sort of be an open invitation? I will help out with food and anything else.

RAEANN:                             You are Clinton’s best friend, no need to apologize. You are welcome to stay as long as you would like.

CLINTON:                            (Wraps his arms around RAEANN) Now, do you see why I married her.?She is so understanding and hospitable.

JORDAN:                               I thought it was because of her looks.

CLINTON:                            Watch it bro, she’s already taken.

RAEANN:                             Oh so it wasn’t because of my beauty.

JORDAN, CLINTON, and RAEANN, comes together in a group huddle laughing.

JORDAN:                               It’s so nice to be back. It’s like old times.

RAEANN:                             Here let me take your stuff, you and Clinton can go around back and I’ll join you with some cold beverages. I hope you still like my sweet iced tea?

JORDAN:                               Is there any other?

RAEANN exits as the two men walk over to the back yard and have a seat.

I’m really happy for you two.

CLINTON:                            You’re not jealous that I wound up with her?

JORDAN:                               Man, are you kidding me, no! You two are so right for each other. Why do you ask?

CLINTON:                            Well, with the three of us being friends for so long, I don’t think we ever really talked about what would happen if one of us started dating her.

JORDAN:                               Clint, it’s okay, honestly. I know I’m the one that left for college. I just had to get out of this state. You both were here, and with your close friendship, it was bound to happen. I’m glad one of us ended up with her. (Awkward pause as Raeann brings in the drinks)

RAEANN:                             Oh come on you two. You don’t have to stop talking just because I enter the room. We’ve been friends far too long for there to be any awkwardness between us, besides I know you were talking about me. So spill it boys, what were you saying?

CLINTON:                            Jordan was just telling me how lucky I am to have you in my life. He was just saying, if it was really a choice between the two of us, you would have picked me, because it really wasn’t a choice at all. (Jordan shaking his head)

RAEANN:                             Oh he did, did he? Did he tell you the real reason why he’s out here, or why he ran off to college the way he did?

JORDAN:                               (Wryly) Hey, I am still here, if you’d like, I could go inside and make myself scarce while you two finish this conversation?

CLINTON:                            No don’t leave; you know we’re just messing with you. It’s been too long; we have ground to make up.

JORDAN:                               Oh I know. I guess I’m a little more tired than I thought. Would you two mind if I take a little walk through town, I may head over to the cemetery?

RAEANN:                             It’s late, are you sure that is a good idea?

JORDAN:                               Don’t worry about me I’ll be fine. I won’t be long…Clint thanks again, and I’ll catch you in the morning. Thanks Raeann for your hospitality and for Rhode Island’s best Iced Tea. I promise I’m fine.

CLINTON:                            It’s good to have you back man; just don’t hang out at the cemetery too long, ‘kay?

Jordan walks toward the train station where the cemetery is.

RAEANN:                             Do you think he’s going to be okay? It’s only been a year since his parents’ death.

CLINTON:                            You know Raeann, today marks the actual day they died, one year ago today. You don’t think that’s why he came back do you, to visit their grave?

RAEANN:                             I don’t know. It’s probably part of it. I know there’s a lot of things he doesn’t understand about what he felt in the hospital the night they died. I know I still don’t understand what I felt; I don’t think any of us can comprehend what happened in that room. I just hope it’s not too soon.

CLINTON:                            Don’t worry sweetheart, I’m sure he’ll be fine. If we don’t see him here within the hour then I’ll go find him. Come on honey, let’s go inside.

Clinton and Raeann exit as Jordan is at the cemetery.

JORDAN:                               Hey Mom and Dad. Sorry I haven’t been out here since your death.  I’ve sort of been busy, yes with school and work. I know what you must be thinking, no Mom, I haven’t found a girl that I’m interested in. You don’t know how badly I wish you both were here right now. I have so many questions and… (sigh)…things I don’t understand. What happened in the hospital room that night? Everyone there experienced something, something none of us comprehend. I remember the sweet aroma of flowers in that room. Sometimes I feel as though I can still smell it. Am I going crazy? (Pause) So, I got a job at the Boston Herald. No I don’t have my own column, but I’m pretty excited about this job and the doors will open for me in the future. I’m also in Grad school working on my dissertation. So about that…yes…well, it’s about the unseen world, the supernatural. (Steps back as if waiting for his parents to rise from the grave) I can only imagine what you two must be thinking right now. I know both had great expectations of me following in your footsteps with the ministry, but that’s not me. I’m not saying I don’t believe in God…but there’s just so much out there, so much I feel I need to discover. I guess that’s why I’m doing my dissertation on this topic. You know me Dad, always trying to find the truth. I sure hope I can discover the truth while I’m here. I’ll try and stop by again before I leave. (Jordan hears a noise off in a distance)Is someone there? Uh…sorry…I was just leaving… (Sees a shadow and thinks it’s the grounds keeper so apologizes) hello… (Clinton enters behind Jordan and unintentionally scares him)

CLINTON:                            Jordan it’s me.

JORDAN:                               (Jumps back) For goodness sakes Clint, you nearly scared me half to death. Were you trying to put me in the grave with my parents?

CLINTON:                            Well, what did you think would happen coming to a cemetery late at night? The slightest rustles in the leaves would make anyone jump.

JORDAN:                               What are you doing here?

CLINTON:                            I couldn’t leave you to deal with the anniversary of your parents’ death on your own; I just wanted to make sure Raeann fell asleep before I came out here. I didn’t want her to worry about us.

JORDAN:                               Thanks man, but I told you I was fine.

CLINTON:                            C’mon, Jordan it’s me man, you don’t have to pretend with me. I know this can’t be easy. Are you sure this isn’t too soon for you to be back?

JORDAN:                               I appreciate the concern, and thank you again for letting me crash at your place for awhile. You’re right it is late, can we just play catch up tomorrow?

CLINTON:                            Sure man, anything you need.




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This is the first scene of my play, Doors. This play is really about choices we make, and some of the misconceptions regarding those choices. I hope you will stick with me as I continue to post more scenes.


Scene 1

Scene takes place with six different doors on stage; Our Planet, Pride, Global Government, My Choice, Spirituality and Grace. Each door will have a specific symbol and its pledge on each door representing what each door stands for; example, Our Planet door will have a big oak tree with people holding hands around it. The “Grace” door is the only door with no symbol or pledge on it. The set is pretty minimal for this scene as cast members will be wondering on and off the stage, and in and out of the doors. ANALISE is observing LOBBYISTS.

ANGEL:                                 (As ANGEL speaks characters freeze.) Which door would you choose? We all have a path; a door to walk through. There are opportunities and consequences behind each door. These are the choices we all face and you must make a choice which door you will choose.

LOBBYISTS:                          (OUR PLANET door.) We pledge allegiance to the Earth, and all the life to which it supports. One planet in our care, irreplaceable, with substance and respect for all.

LOBBYISTS:                           (PRIDE door.) We pledge allegiance to our community with love and freedom for all. For our orientation, in which we stand, with tolerance and acceptance for all.

LOBBYISTS:                          (GOVERNMENT door.) We pledge allegiance to a united world, in humanity, for which we stand, one world, under justice, with unbiased respect for all.

LOBBYISTS:                          (MY CHOICE door.) We pledge allegiance to our bodies and the universal access to choice. For unto ourselves, for which we stand, in honor and commitment for self.

LOBBYISTS:                          (SPIRITUALITY door.) We pledge allegiance to the universal belief of many gods alike. We coexist, for which we stand, with support and understanding for all.

ANGEL 1:                              Which door would you choose? We all have a path, a door to walk through. There are opportunities and consequences behind each door. These are the choices we all face and you must make a choice which door you will choose.

Lights fade out as the Angels exit and CORIANNE is on stage deciding which door to go through.

CORIANNE:                         How do I know which door to walk through? It’s not like trying on a pair of shoes testing to see which one fits the best. Who could go wrong with this door? (Walks toward OUR PLANET door). They pledge to life and have respect for it. 

Before CORIANNE enters the door a group of children skip around a tree reciting the pledge in a rhythmic manner. CORIANNE walks through the door.

IRA:                                       (Directing protesters to make more signs.) I appreciate all your help, but we need to make it to the construction site before we lose any more of that green belt stretched across highway 82. We need to have these signs finished in 20 minutes. Katelynn, did you finish planting the trees behind the back…

KATELYNN                         …I thought I told you, call me Kat, and yes I planted all 13 of them!

IRA:                                        You’re such a dirty hippie.

KAT:                                        Yeah I know, thank you.

CORIANNE:                          What can I do to help?

CORIANNE starts making signs as light fades out on the OUR PLANET door and a spot lights up on the MY CHOICE door.

COUNSELOR:                      This is your body and your choice. Please feel free to take the time you need. You’re at the beginning of your pregnancy, and are just barely 4 weeks along so we still have time. Here’s some literature I would like you to read regarding the procedure. Do you have any questions for me?

CHERIE:                                I understand what I did, and I get that this is my body but… (softly) I feel like I’m killing this tiny human… I don’t know.

COUNSELOR:                     This is not an easy decision, and I can’t tell you what to morally believe. We here, at the clinic, look at science and we hold the belief that life begins when it can be sustained on its own. I know it must be overwhelming and a lot for you to consider. You still have time to make your decision. We just want you to know that we’re here for you, and that this is your body and your choice. Please know that abortion isn’t your only option, there is adoption as well.

CHERIE:                                I’m a 22-year-old, fairly attractive adult with my whole future ahead of me. It was a one-night stand, not something I’m proud to admit I had, and we were safe, but if I’m going to get fat and go through morning sickness then I may as well keep the baby. Right now I don’t want a baby. I don’t know what I morally believe, but I just don’t want to be considered a murderer.

CHILDREN and 2 ANGELS enter stage and are skipping around the logo of a woman and the two angles are standing by the door.

CHILDREN and ANGELS:            

We pledge allegiance to our bodies and the universal access to choice. For unto ourselves for which we stand in honor and commitment for self.

CHILDREN and ANGELS exit, lights focuses in on IRA and CORIANNE.

IRA:                                        New girl, do you want to march with us at the construction site?

 CORIANNE:                        Are you in the habit of not knowing who you’re talking to?

IRA:                                       I’m sorry…

CORIANNE:                         Corianne!

IRA:                                        Corianne. I see lots of people coming in and out of this door all the time. Maybe you’re just trying this door out to see if it fits, but I’ve been trying to fight for this place we live in, this place we call home, since I planted my first plant in preschool. The way I see it, if we don’t get our act together and save our planet, we won’t be around to fight for anything. So please don’t take it personal.

CORIANNE:                        Truth is Ira, I don’t know if this is the door or the choice I would like to stand up for. My parents were big on recycling and I have tried my best to become a little greener. I read your pledge, and I think it’s a good cause to stand up for, but I wasn’t aware I had to just choose one door, one cause, or that I couldn’t decide to change my mind later. Not all of us can say we knew what we wanted to fight for when we were two.

IRA:                                        I wasn’t two I was four. Are you going to march or not?

CORIANNE picks up a sign and heads out the door with the rest of the protesters

ANALISE gets up from the bench walks towards center stage talking to God. ANALISE paces around stage as she continues to talk.

ANALISE:                              Dear God — what am I doing is that how you address God? — Ummm…Our Father in heaven hallowed… No one talks like that. Seriously I don’t know how to do this God. Okay, I’m just going to talk to you. I feel like I’m at this place in my life where it’s not okay to just float in and out of these doors. I don’t know what I believe in; I don’t know what I want to fight for. I don’t even know if you are real. Maybe I’m just a fool talking to myself. I look at this door without a symbol or fancy dressing. It’s simple. What is that supposed to mean, and why is there no pledge? I don’t hear protesters chanting a creed, all I hear are constant quiet knockings at it, and I’m curious to walk through but…I don’t know what’s behind the door. What do those behind it fight for; what do they believe? The Spirituality door seems more accurate. Their pledge talks about how all beliefs are true, and that there isn’t just one God. It makes sense that behind that door it wouldn’t matter if you believed in a god or absolute truth, regardless, you would still be accepted. I don’t know, I feel like I need more time. Well I guess that’s it so, I’m going to leave now and talk to you later…ummm, “Talk to you later.” Really is that how one should address God, if he is real?  I must look like an idiot talking to myself. (Sigh)

ANALISE returns to bench and continues to observe.

The CHILDREN and ANGELS enter, and are skipping around a sign for the one world government.


We pledge allegiance, to a united world in humanity, for which we stand, one world, under justice, with unbiased respect for all. CHILDREN and ANGELS exit as MADDOX enters.

MADDOX:                            (Knocks at door) Nasreen it’s me Maddox open up. I think I’ve decided which political party I want to claim.

NASREEN:                            Maddox are you insane? Do you realize what time it is? 

MADDOX:                            Please, Nasreen, open up.

NASREEN:                             (Opens door with a cup of coffee in her hand, irritated at MADDOX.) Did you really come all this way at two in the morning to tell me you have chosen a political party when you know full well we are…

MADDOX:                            Wait before you go any further. I know what you are going to say about how you’re helping our president and those in other nations unite together in a more justified unbiased one world government. But Nasreen, I made a choice, a deceleration, so throw me a bone and ask me what I am declaring!

NASREEN:                            Okay Maddox, what did you decide to declare, even though…

MADDOX:                           Nope, (puts finger up to stop Nasreen) I have declared independent.

NASREEN:                            You came to tell me you are “independent” with a massive group of other declared “independents?” Good night Maddox!

NASREEN closes the door on MADDOX. Lights fade out.

Lights come up on ISAAC, indicating a new day.

ISAAC:                                   (Talking on the phone) Hey Raina, its Isaac. Listen, I was calling to see if you can invite your friend…ummm… the girl that came to your house last week when you and I were having coffee? Yeah that’s the one, Sybil, to our meeting tomorrow tonight. Uh.. that’s why you should invite her. Just because you and I stake our claim in what we believe doesn’t mean all are not welcome. I would just love to meet her. Why? Because… okay, so I think she’s kind of cute. I think she would like us. I’m just surprised you haven’t invited her already. Will you just ask and see if she will come? Thanks Raina, regardless though, I’ll still see you tomorrow tonight?

Lights fade out on ISAAC and come up on the CHILDREN and ANGELS.


(Children enter skipping around a coexist sign.) We pledge allegiance to the universal belief of many gods alike. We coexist, for which we stand, with support and understanding for all. 


CHERIE begins to enter the door marked “MY CHOICE” when approached by ANALISE

ANALISE:                              Hey can I ask you a question?

CHERIE:                                Me?

ANALISE:                              Yeah.

CHERIE:                                Okay.

ANALISE:                              Well, I see all these doors and life changing choices to be made, and I was just curious as to why you have decided to go to this door. I mean, I don’t want to get personal, but I need to choose a door and I don’t really know what this one is about. So why this door?

CHERIE:                                I’m a firm believer that God gave me this body and my life to do with which I please. I mean, the door says my choice.

ANALISE:                              So you’re a believer in God?

CHERIE:                                I assume everyone believes in God, or at least some higher power. I just choose to call him/her God.

ANALISE:                              So then why this door instead of the door marked, “Spirituality”?

CHERIE:                                I guess I chose this door because I’m pregnant, and I don’t really need spirituality right now. I need someone to take care of the pregnancy. I guess once I’m done with this I can always go to the other door. 

ANALISE:                              You’re ending the pregnancy? I would think with something like that you would need both doors.

CHERIE:                                I can’t keep it. I have so many plans for the future. Right now just isn’t the best time. And as for the doors, I suppose I don’t have to choose just one. I mean, I’m just terminating a fetus right? They should be accepting of me in the spirituality room. Their pledge states that they are accepting off all gods and religions and beliefs. 

CHILDREN and ANGELS enter stage as the children are skipping around the gay pride symbol.


We pledge allegiance to our community with love and freedom for all. For our orientation, in which we stand, with tolerance and acceptance for all.

CHILDREN and ANGELS exit as KALE and ALESSA enter.

KALE:                                                You’ve been in a bad mood all morning, what is up with you?

ALESSA:                                My parents and I got into it last night. I just wish they could understand this is who I am and accept and love me for it. We have been friends for a long time right?

KALE:                                    You’re like my sister; there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. Do you want me to talk to them?

ALESSA:                                No that will make things worse. I can see it now: they’ll go on and on about how you and I would be perfect for each other. Then they would throw us into the closet hoping enough time in there will change us, and we will magically kiss, and — poof! — we’re two straight people in love.

KALE:                                    Alessa you know I love you, and yes you are very beautiful, but I’m not attracted to you. But you are my favorite girl in the world, you know that, right? (They give a quick peck on the cheek and hug)

ALESSA:                                Of course I do. I just wish my parents were more accepting and understanding like how your parents are. The irony is my parents go to church and believe in all that God stuff. Your parents, who don’t have religion, have shown me more love and acceptance than mine who claim that the God they serve is a God of love. If that’s true, then why can’t they love me for who I am?

