
Black, White, Gray

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After helping with auditions and interviews for an upcoming musical I’m a part of, and working with teens in youth ministry for; well I don’t know how many years now, I’m perplexed.What is it about people who choose to follow the teachings of the bible, about christian organizations, and/or churches, that either draws others wanting to be a part of this “sect” of people, or leads them to mock, judge, ridicule and put down those that live this way? There doesn’t seem to be a gray area. I asked one of those auditioning, why this type of performing arts group vs. another? Answer, “Because, I won’t be looked down upon because of what I look like.” I recently asked another young adult why they don’t go to church? Answer, “Because I’ve been judged, I was looked down upon because of the things I’ve done in the past.” How is it two different people experienced two completely differentreactions from the same type of group? Christians. 

I would actually like to set this up as a discussion forum rather than just sharing my incites on this. So please comment and share your view points.